All persons fictitious, including the author

On TIL...

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Looking back at the first post, makes me wonder how I suddenly had the urge of setting up a blog, again, only to forget about it, again. Anyway, what got me back here was an article I read a few days ago, not on Today I Learned (aka TIL), but on blogging, again. Like a lot of other posts, this was also talking about how important and good it is to have a blog, which is not really unheard of, or anything you’ve heard for the first time.…
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On Blogging

So it might as well be fit to begin with talking about blogging. Why do we blog, what’s the point and why should someone bother? But Why There are a few compelling arguments, depending on who you ask. Fame or Self Exposure You might do it for fame, not in a negative way at all I mean fame as in trying to be an influencer and have an audience to talk to and possibly earn money on side or if you are very dedicated or lucky you might even be able to earn solely based on that.…
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