On TIL...

Posted on Nov 8, 2022

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Looking back at the first post, makes me wonder how I suddenly had the urge of setting up a blog, again, only to forget about it, again.

Anyway, what got me back here was an article I read a few days ago, not on Today I Learned (aka TIL), but on blogging, again. Like a lot of other posts, this was also talking about how important and good it is to have a blog, which is not really unheard of, or anything you’ve heard for the first time. What caught my interest was the a suggestion on how to keep it running.

I must admit that not only I lack the time, but also the imagination of being able to produce a well-written piece that’s worth reading and taking people’s time, on a regular basis. The tips I got from that article was that, was a TIL blog. We all learn something new everyday, big, small, work related, or private. It’s a fantastic idea to put this into a blog format. Even if it’s not for other’s sakes, it could for your own. Think of it as a reflection that you might do by the end of the day, except for the dread of all the time wasted and the opportunities missed. We don’t need to put that out there. But who am I to say, what to put or not, I just think that idea was great and I think I’m going to give it a try.

Depending on how it goes, I’ll be here again either very soon or gone for some time, however it goes, I think that article was great.

And my outmost respect and gratitude to every individual out there who puts their thoughts and share them so willingly with others. You’re all fantastic people!

For now! Erfan