On Blogging

Posted on May 10, 2020

So it might as well be fit to begin with talking about blogging. Why do we blog, what’s the point and why should someone bother?

But Why

There are a few compelling arguments, depending on who you ask.

Fame or Self Exposure

You might do it for fame, not in a negative way at all I mean fame as in trying to be an influencer and have an audience to talk to and possibly earn money on side or if you are very dedicated or lucky you might even be able to earn solely based on that. I personally think this might be good as long as you are not writing content just for the sake of having content out there. I mean you do of course have a set of routines you want to hold on to but if you are forcing yourself to write, film or create content just because you have to you probably see a quality drop. This is quite interesting as it is substantially different from the field I work in. As an engineer solving the same problem will be a repetition that makes you more or less more competent. You might even find new ways to solve it which makes it even better. Now this doesn’t mean writing, filming, creating content does not become better by repetition, on the contrary, I think it just means that with creative contents you’ve got to work with it in a more delicate way since repetition is not the only element required to boost your creative content. And since this creative content creation will be considered your main line of work you would need to treat that more seriously.


Learning is an interesting one. Now I’ve seen quite a few bloggers where in their bio it states that they blog the stuff they’ve learned and keep it as a sort of reference for themselves. I was reading a blog another day where she was saying that sort of like how Einstein was saying You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother, blog is more or less the same concept. Blog is our modern times grandma, where we can explain the stuff we’ve learned to an audience we haven’t met. Think about the number of times you’ve found yourself looking at some gold material on someones website where you’ve been able to learn something and use it in your field. Yeah there is Stackoverflow and other Q/A or forum based communities but it’s not always you can go through a full tutorial of how to get X working. So blogging in this case, not only can be good for you to learn something deeper as you explain it to other people but also in a way it is giving back to the community that you’ve learned something from. A sort of digital today you, tomorrow me if you know that story.

Habits & Routines and hobby

Habits might be yet another reason to blog. Well, maybe not habits per se, but actually it being a hobby and then transforming into a habit and routine. I personally like to have some routines. Blogging is something that could be one of them. This can be a routine, where blogging, your hobby.

So what

Well, why do I do it, or why should I do it. I personally do it to put my thoughts into some digital paper. To be able to reflect back on stuff and hopefully learn a thing or two from it. As much as I would enjoy it of course if read by others, it is less relevant in my case. Whether it is being read or not, it is my own reflection that I intend to use this for. So here you go, a few reasons why blogging might be an interesting thing to do and why it can help you or others around you. It’s up to you to do it now.
